3 Reasons Why Now Is the Perfect Time for Interior Painting

3 Reasons Why Now Is the Perfect Time for Interior Painting

 3 Reasons Why Now Is the Perfect Time for Interior Painting

Tired of star­ing at your walls? Let’s paint them!

This year espe­cial­ly, we’ve all banked MORE than enough time star­ing at our walls. Fresh paint and invit­ing col­ors help to break up the cold monot­o­ny, offer­ing a fun dis­trac­tion while we wait for spring. 

Admit­ted­ly, win­ter isn’t typ­i­cal­ly a sea­son when most peo­ple decide to tack­le indoor paint­ing projects. Is this real­ly a good time?

This Is the Per­fect Time for House Painting

interior painter in Seattle WA 3 Reasons Why Now Is the Perfect Time for Interior Painting

#1: Win­ter­time Incentives

With the hol­i­days over, paint­ing com­pa­nies (like yours tru­ly) typ­i­cal­ly hit a slow­er sea­son. This cre­ates a per­fect win­dow of oppor­tu­ni­ty, when we offer our best prices AND have quick project turn­around times before the spring rush hits.

In fact, we’re offer­ing 15% off inte­ri­or projects RIGHT NOW, booked and fin­ished by Feb­ru­ary 28, 2021. Con­tact us for a free estimate!

#2: Beat the Spring Rush

Bounc­ing off the point above, this is also an ide­al time to fit your project in before our spring rush. While we do every­thing we can to accom­mo­date our clients year round, this is unde­ni­ably a sea­son of avail­abil­i­ty. The cal­en­dar gets full in the warmer, dry­er months when we can paint outside.

#3: Wor­ried About Paint Fumes? You Can Breathe Easy!

We’ve put peo­ple on the moon, devel­oped robots that dance effort­less­ly (real­ly!), can con­trol air­craft remote­ly from around the world, and have final­ly devel­oped fan­tas­tic paint prod­ucts with lit­tle-to-no odor.

Low-VOC inte­ri­or paint has all the style and per­for­mance, but almost no odor, thanks to the min­i­mal use of Volatile Organ­ic Com­pounds. We’ll spare you the sci­ence les­son, but just know that this means you can paint indoors with­out any spe­cial ven­ti­la­tion, and your rooms will be ready for use right away.

Deliv­er­ing an Excep­tion­al Fin­ish AND Experience

Caitlin, I was super pleased with the job that the All Cov­ered Paint­ing team did for me Jan­u­ary 18 – Jan­u­ary 26. The team arrived prompt­ly every day, they were very cour­te­ous and fol­lowed all COVID pro­to­cols. They wore their masks, kept social dis­tance. The team repaint­ed my kitchen and bath­room cab­i­nets, ceil­ing and walls. The qual­i­ty of the work they per­formed was supe­ri­or. Their atten­tion to detail was great. My hus­band and I are real­ly pleased and would high­ly rec­om­mend All Cov­ered Painting.”

-Geral­dine R. from Issaquah

Our Most Pop­u­lar Win­ter­time Paint­ing Services

  • Full inte­ri­or painting

  • Cab­i­net painting

  • Car­pen­try

  • Wood staining/​refinishing

  • Walls, ceil­ing, doors, and trim

  • Wall­pa­per removal… and more!

Let’s Plan Your Seat­tle House Paint­ing Project!

Have any oth­er ques­tions? Let us know! We’re here to help, and would love the oppor­tu­ni­ty to serve you. 


mary senko

All Covered Painting did a fabulous job painting multiple areas in my home. We were moving in, and wanted things painted as soon as possible. Not only did Rich get paint colors and samples, he had the crew out ASAP. It was great, and everything... view full review
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Isaac O.

we tend to be a little detail oriented and had a 1200 sq ft. condo that needed to have trim and walls painted. We hired All Covered for the 3rd time to do this (we had painting done at our previous home as well), and... view full review
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Why Work With All Covered Painting

  • We are fully licensed and insured
  • Our team is detail-oriented, from initial project planning and prep to the final cleanup
  • We offer a 7-year warranty and 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • We focus on ongoing training, meaning that we use the best products, tools, and techniques
  • We work carefully, respectfully, and contain our workspace
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