How Much Does It Cost To Coat a Garage Floor in Seattle?

How Much Does It Cost To Coat a Garage Floor in Seattle?

 How Much Does It Cost To Coat a Garage Floor in Seattle?

Think­ing about a garage floor coat­ing in Seat­tle? You def­i­nite­ly aren’t alone! Our con­crete coat­ing divi­sion is get­ting calls from home­own­ers look­ing to coat all sorts of con­crete floors, indoors and out. The dras­tic trans­for­ma­tions we share on social media cer­tain­ly stoke the inter­est too.

You like­ly have a long list of ques­tions, but these two are prob­a­bly right at the top: how much does a garage floor coat­ing cost, and what kind of sys­tem is this?

The answer to one helps to answer the oth­er, so we thought we’d pro­vide a clear break­down in this arti­cle. Ready?

Ball­park Cost for Coat­ing a Garage Floor in Seattle

We don’t like to share ball­parks often, just because there are SO many fac­tors that go into the esti­mates we share. Every floor is dif­fer­ent, and our approach is very unique and involved. With that in mind, here’s a broad price range, but please keep read­ing to bet­ter under­stand the full context. 

  • 1 car garage — $2500 to $3000

  • 2 car garage — $3000 to $4500 depend­ing on actu­al size of garage

  • 3 car garage or larg­er — $4500+

What’s the Best Kind of Coat­ing for a Garage Floor?

If the num­bers we shared above took you by sur­prise, we appre­ci­ate that you’re still read­ing and doing a lit­tle more research. This is super impor­tant infor­ma­tion, and know­ing exact­ly what you have to choose from for your garage floor, and what to expect from each option, is critical. 

 How Much Does It Cost To Coat a Garage Floor in Seattle?  How Much Does It Cost To Coat a Garage Floor in Seattle?

Option 1: Do-It-Your­self Floor Coat­ing Kits

This is your cheap­est option, start­ing with con­crete paint and seal­er. Cut it in, roll it on, and let it dry. Basi­cal­ly like paint­ing a wall, but under your feet. 

You can also get a DIY epoxy floor kit. A lit­tle bet­ter than paint, but tough to apply and a beast to repair or redo if the instal­la­tion doesn’t come out right. 

These are good options if you’re hap­py with a coat­ing that might last a year or two, and you real­ly don’t want to spend more than a cou­ple hun­dred dollars. 

Option 2: Pro­fes­sion­al­ly-Installed Epoxy Floor Coatings

Let’s kick it up a notch. 

A lot of con­trac­tors, and even local paint­ing com­pa­nies, can install an epoxy floor sys­tem. The cost is sub­stan­tial­ly more than the do-it-your­self kits, but the qual­i­ty is a bit bet­ter and the install is typ­i­cal­ly sol­id. Plus, you don’t have to do it! That’s always a bonus.

What can you expect as far as per­for­mance? Typ­i­cal­ly these options last for a few years, then you can antic­i­pate some peel­ing and chip­ping. Hot tire pick­up is also a com­mon com­plaint: the epoxy soft­en­ing and stick­ing to your tires in hot weather. 

This is a good option if you plan on redo­ing your floor every few years, or you can wait even longer if you don’t mind hav­ing some wear and tear showing. 

Option 3: Polyurea Garage Floor Coatings

Reach for the top shelf and you find polyurea con­crete coatings. 

Is the price high­er? Yes, def­i­nite­ly. But this is a total­ly dif­fer­ent ani­mal, and under­stand­ing the dif­fer­ence will help you under­stand the price point, too. 

With­out get­ting super tech­ni­cal, here’s what you need to know:

  • Polyurea cures way faster than epoxy, mak­ing it ide­al for quick installs. Our 1DAY” coat­ing tagline is right on the money. 

  • Unlike epoxy that sits on top of your floor, polyurea forms a chem­i­cal bond with the con­crete. In oth­er words, it basi­cal­ly fus­es to the sur­face. That means it won’t chip and peel like the cheap­er options, and hot tire pick­up is a non-issue. 

  • Polyurea is also more flex­i­ble than epoxy, mean­ing that it isn’t brit­tle. It won’t crack and fail when you dri­ve over it, drop a heavy tool, or miss a nail and hit it with a ham­mer (no judgment). 

  • Last­ly, you should know that polyurea floor coat­ings are mois­ture-resis­tant from the top down. Water, chem­i­cals, spills of any kind… They’ll just sit on the sur­face and are easy to clean up.

How We Set Your Floor Coat­ing Up for Success

 How Much Does It Cost To Coat a Garage Floor in Seattle?

Last but not least, we have to tell you about the prep. 

We use dia­mond grinders to pro­file your con­crete, remov­ing any old coat­ings, dirt, or dam­age, plus smooth­ing out repairs we had to make before­hand. This lev­el of prep also opens the pores of your con­crete to allow for even stronger coat­ing adhesion.

This is a step you’d see per­formed for a com­mer­cial floor coat­ing instal­la­tion, and isn’t typ­i­cal for res­i­den­tial spaces. Just one more rea­son why a floor coat­ing from us will like­ly be the last floor coat­ing you ever need. 

What Impacts the Cost of Your Garage Floor Coating?

  • The size of your floor.

  • The col­ors you want to use. We have stan­dard blends to choose from, or we can make some­thing custom.

  • Do you want steps coated?

  • Ver­ti­cals (also known as stem walls”). 

  • Garage aprons.

  • Pre­vi­ous coat­ings that need to be removed (like those pesky epoxy coat­ings we mentioned).

  • Con­di­tion of the con­crete, and the time involved in prep and repairs.

Have More Ques­tions About Con­crete Floor Coatings?

Con­tact us at All Cov­ered Con­crete Coat­ings! We’d love to talk with you in more detail, show you sam­ples, and pro­vide a detailed quote. 


Paul T.

We had All Covered Painting power wash & stain our deck. A gentleman named Andergio did all of the work. He was excellent. He was very thorough & careful, respectful of property & did a great job with both the power washing & staining. I... view full review
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Jaime C.

I've had All Covered do everything from exterior cedar shingle replacement, to exterior/interior paining and drywall repair. Their estimates are accurate, scheduling timely and the owner/manager (Rich) is very prompt and reasonable. I believe you're getting good quality for good value - something that's hard... view full review
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  • We are fully licensed and insured
  • Our team is detail-oriented, from initial project planning and prep to the final cleanup
  • We offer a 7-year warranty and 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • We focus on ongoing training, meaning that we use the best products, tools, and techniques
  • We work carefully, respectfully, and contain our workspace
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