
Hir­ing Crew Lead­ers, Painters, and Dry­wall Installers!

Take your paint­ing career to the next lev­el with All Cov­ered Painting!

Does this sound familiar?

  • You’re look­ing for a sta­ble career, not just anoth­er job
  • You’re look­ing for work in a grow­ing, in-demand industry
  • You’re a paint­ing pro­fes­sion­al look­ing for a bet­ter work envi­ron­ment and more opportunities
  • Or, maybe you’re just start­ing your career and are look­ing for a place that trains and pro­motes from within?
  • You’re ready for growth and advancement!

All Cov­ered Paint­ing is one of Seattle’s best-known paint­ing com­pa­nies, proud­ly pro­vid­ing inte­ri­or, exte­ri­or, res­i­den­tial, and com­mer­cial paint­ing ser­vices. We’re look­ing for moti­vat­ed painters, and are excit­ed to pro­vide a pos­i­tive, strong team atmosphere.

We Val­ue Our People

  • We offer com­pet­i­tive pay
  • We pay 75% of health insur­ance, includ­ing den­tal and vision
  • You’ll enjoy team events, like BBQs, go kart rac­ing, Mariner’s games, and more
  • We pro­vide in-house train­ing and advance­ment opportunities
  • We’ll help you grow to your full potential

Come Join Us! Apply TODAY

Why Work With All Covered Painting

  • We are fully licensed and insured
  • Our team is detail-oriented, from initial project planning and prep to the final cleanup
  • We offer a 7-year warranty and 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • We focus on ongoing training, meaning that we use the best products, tools, and techniques
  • We work carefully, respectfully, and contain our workspace
All Covered Painting & Property Services LLC BBB Business Review Credentials Credentials Credentials Credentials Credentials Credentials Credentials Credentials

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Serving the Greater Seattle Area

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