Have you ever stood at your paint supply store, surrounded by millions of tiny swatches, feeling totally overwhelmed? How many shades and variations of white can there possibly be, right?
Picking the right color should be fun, but it can be pretty daunting.
At All Covered Painting, we’ve got your back every step of the way. And yes, this includes color consultations.
Professional Color Selection for Your House Painting Project
It all starts during your painting consultation. Let us know that you need help with colors and we’ll connect you with a professional colorist! They can walk through your preferences, and take not only your home’s style into account, but also its unique features, light sources, architecture, and more.
Our Other Popular Interior Painting Services
- Walls
- Ceilings
- Doors
- Trim
- Cabinets
- Custom staining and finishing
- Wallpaper removal
- Colors got you stumped? Ask about our color consultations!