Mission & Core Values

Mission & Core Values


To beau­ti­fy and pro­tect your prop­er­ty while pro­vid­ing the most amaz­ing con­trac­tor expe­ri­ence possible.


We strive to be the most desired paint­ing com­pa­ny our cus­tomers can hire. We strive to be the most desired paint­ing com­pa­ny our employ­ees can work for.

Core Val­ues:

We AMAZE our Customers. 

We AMAZE our cus­tomers with amaz­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion, amaz­ing ser­vice, amaz­ing qual­i­ty, and the MOST AMAZ­ING experience.

We don’t make excuses. 

We deliv­er on promis­es. We solve prob­lems. We are resource­ful and accountable.

We do what is right for the cus­tomer and our employees. 

We believe in hon­esty and integrity.

We put the team before self. 

We real­ize our goals through the achieve­ment of com­pa­ny goals. With­out team suc­cess we can­not have indi­vid­ual success.

We invest in growth. 

Per­son­al growth and com­pa­ny growth are an inter­con­nect­ed cycle. The more we grow the more oppor­tu­ni­ty we have, the more oppor­tu­ni­ty we have the more we can grow.

We pri­or­i­tize safety. 

It is our duty to ensure the safe­ty of our­selves. Our co-work­ers. Our customers.

We val­ue community.

We believe in inclu­sion, diver­si­ty and com­pas­sion for others.

Why Work With All Covered Painting

  • We are fully licensed and insured
  • Our team is detail-oriented, from initial project planning and prep to the final cleanup
  • We offer a 7-year warranty and 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • We focus on ongoing training, meaning that we use the best products, tools, and techniques
  • We work carefully, respectfully, and contain our workspace
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