10k Giveaway

10k Giveaway

 10k Giveaway

All Cov­ered Cares!

Last year we cel­e­brat­ed 10 years of busi­ness — woohoo! It’s been a won­der­ful decade serv­ing Seat­tle and its peo­ple. And, while it’s excit­ing for our com­pa­ny to hit this mile­stone, we wouldn’t have made it this far with­out you! 

So, we want­ed to give back….

Because we cel­e­brat­ed 10 years, we want­ed to bless some­one in need with a paint­ing project worth $10,000 — All Cov­ered Painting’s biggest give­away yet! We were look­ing for a local non prof­it orga­ni­za­tion that could ben­e­fit from free paint­ing ser­vices or some­one who had been impact­ed by COVID in a major way. Whether it was a big or small, inte­ri­or or exte­ri­or repaint, we thought it would be a good oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring encour­age­ment and pos­i­tiv­i­ty to the com­mu­ni­ty in the midst of this glob­al calami­ty. And, that’s exact­ly what we did! 

An Exte­ri­or Repaint For Kel­ly

Kel­ly was nom­i­nat­ed by her daugh­ter Jes­si­ca. This is what she wrote us:

My mom is in the hos­pi­tal recov­er­ing from spinal cord trau­ma and surgery. She is now para­plegic and learn­ing to use a wheel­chair. Because Of COVID she has been in the hos­pi­tal since March alone, nav­i­gat­ing her health and her new dis­abil­i­ty alone. In that time her first grand­son was born and though she was plan­ning to be at the hos­pi­tal to attend his birth, was­n’t able to see him for a month. Thank­ful­ly, the hos­pi­tal just recent­ly allowed her hus­band to vis­it for one hour a day and let her come out­side to meet her grand­son. But most of the time, she remains alone in the acute rehab unit, work­ing to strength­en her body so she can go home. Her home is not cur­rent­ly wheel­chair acces­si­ble and we are active­ly work­ing to remod­el it to accom­mo­date her new dis­abil­i­ty. I would love for her house to be paint­ed inside and out so that she comes home to a beau­ti­ful new space.”

We felt a lot of com­pas­sion for Kel­ly and were com­pelled to help out. She was the obvi­ous choice. So, we pulled togeth­er our team and got to work! 

We repaint­ed her home a beau­ti­ful new col­or to wel­come her home. 

Kel­ly, we are so grate­ful that we could serve you and we hope that we were able to bless you through our work. We wouldn’t have want­ed to cel­e­brate our com­pa­ny anniver­sary any oth­er way! 

Angies List

Donna C.

They did a great job. It was a real hard job. The house was in really bad shape so four guys did four days of prep on two sides of my house. They were more expensive, but they were worth every penny. They were worth... view full review
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Isaac Obezo

we have had All Covered Painting paint for us 5 different times in two different homes, we are very very pleased with the work that they have done for us.1) they are very professional and friendly2) they are clean and meticulous, we appreciate their attention... view full review
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Why Work With All Covered Painting

  • We are fully licensed and insured
  • Our team is detail-oriented, from initial project planning and prep to the final cleanup
  • We offer a 7-year warranty and 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • We focus on ongoing training, meaning that we use the best products, tools, and techniques
  • We work carefully, respectfully, and contain our workspace
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