Interior Painting in Seattle? Pick the Right Product for Your Needs!

Interior Painting in Seattle? Pick the Right Product for Your Needs!

 Interior Painting in Seattle? Pick the Right Product for Your Needs!

What do you look for in inte­ri­or paint?

Well, get­ting the col­or right is a big deal. Style is king! But you also need more than a pret­ty face, and are prob­a­bly look­ing for prod­ucts that will real­ly per­form. If you have kids or pets, this takes on a whole new lev­el of importance. 

Paint­ing a room like a kitchen or bath­room means that you need inte­ri­or paint that can with­stand mois­ture too, and the occa­sion­al scrub down. 

So, how do you pick the right paint for the job?

Start with the Right Inte­ri­or Paint Brand

Qual­i­ty mat­ters. It real­ly, real­ly does.

We know that the big box stores have a lot of cheap paint avail­able in fun col­ors with equal­ly attrac­tive price tags, but it ends up cost­ing you time and mon­ey in the long run. Low-cost paint is made with low-cost ingre­di­ents that just don’t per­form the way you need them to. They might look good for a while, but pret­ty soon you could be deal­ing with col­or reten­tion issues, adhe­sion prob­lems, or a fin­ish that can’t stand up to a busy lifestyle. 

Buy good paint. It real­ly is worth it. And if you’re work­ing with a pro­fes­sion­al inte­ri­or painter, ask what kind of paint they rec­om­mend and why. 

Which Paint Sheen Is Best for Your Inte­ri­or Paint­ing Project?

 Interior Painting in Seattle? Pick the Right Product for Your Needs!

Sheen” has to do with the lev­el of gloss your paint has. Or, in oth­er words, how shiny it is. Low­er-sheen paint (like mat­te or flat) typ­i­cal­ly is used for low-traf­fic sur­faces like your ceil­ing, while high­er-gloss prod­ucts are saved for cab­i­nets, trim, doors, etc. That shinier, hard­er fin­ish makes it real­ly tough!

The trou­ble is, a lot of folks don’t LIKE high-gloss paint. It’s hard­er to work with, not easy to touch up, and it makes any sur­face imper­fec­tions super obvi­ous. A lot of prep is required for a fin­ish to look real­ly smooth and good. 

Well, we have good news. 

In recent years, paint for­mu­las have come a long, long way. If you buy high­er-qual­i­ty paint, flat and mat­te fin­ish­es can be plen­ty durable for every­day use. You can have your cake and it too, with wash­able, strong paint that is also flat­ter­ing and stylish. 

Have Any Oth­er Inte­ri­or Paint­ing Questions? 

We’re here to help! Our paint­ing team can answer any and all ques­tions, and help you pair the per­fect paint with your project goals. Con­tact us today!


Martin Yam

These guys did a great job on our house, Some difficult spots, worked around the bushes and the rain.
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Donna C.

They did a great job. It was a real hard job. The house was in really bad shape so four guys did four days of prep on two sides of my house. They were more expensive, but they were worth every penny. They were worth... view full review
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