Seattle Exterior Painting: What’s Left On Your To-Do List?

Seattle Exterior Painting: What’s Left On Your To-Do List?

We’re in no rush to see sum­mer go, but there’s just no deny­ing that fall is right around the cor­ner. As we gear up for the chang­ing sea­sons, the sum­mer­time win­dow for exte­ri­or house paint­ing in Seat­tle is start­ing to close!

Before our wet­ter weath­er hits, make sure your home is sound and protected.

Pro­tect Your Seat­tle Home This Fall!

Here are a few key tips and ideas to keep in mind.

#1: Exte­ri­or Painting

Sure, it’s attrac­tive, but your home’s paint is also a cru­cial line of defense against mois­ture intru­sion, pests, UV dam­age, and more. Mak­ing sure that this bar­ri­er is healthy and strong is invaluable.

Not real­ly time for a full repaint? We rec­om­mend rou­tine touch-ups too. Why wait until total paint fail­ure, right? As a wise man once said, an ounce of pre­ven­tion is worth a pound of cure… 

#2: Pow­er Washing

A deep, thor­ough clean­ing not only restores a fresh shine, but it also wash­es away con­t­a­m­i­nants that will actu­al­ly short­en the life of your paint and stain. Pro­fes­sion­al pow­er wash­ing between repaints and touch-ups is a smart move!

 Seattle Exterior Painting: What’s Left On Your To-Do List?

#3: Repair­ing Wood Rot

Eh, it can wait until next year…”

These are dan­ger­ous words when it comes to wood repair! Rot spreads quick­ly, and com­pro­mised sid­ing and trim can open the door to pests, mois­ture dam­age, and more exten­sive (expen­sive!) decay. Do your­self a favor and nip it in the bud. 

#4: Stain­ing Exte­ri­or Woodwork

Paint is impor­tant, but so is stain! A healthy fin­ish looks fan­tas­tic and offers price­less pro­tec­tion. We rec­om­mend inspect­ing and main­tain­ing your stained sur­faces every cou­ple of years. 

 Seattle Exterior Painting: What’s Left On Your To-Do List?

Pro Tip:

If you’re won­der­ing if your deck needs to be refin­ished, try the water test! Sprin­kle water on top, and see if it beads or if it soaks in. If it beads and wicks off, then your stain and seal­er is still doing its job. If it pools and soaks in, that means that your wood is at risk and needs a fresh finish. 

Have a Ques­tion About Your Seat­tle House Paint­ing Needs?

Your team here at All Cov­ered Paint­ing is ready to help. Learn more about our ser­vices, or else reach out to sched­ule your free con­sul­ta­tion!

Angies List

Terry P.

Prep, paint and clean up went very well, one guy returned a day later to do all the final touch ups we found.
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mary senko

All Covered Painting did a fabulous job painting multiple areas in my home. We were moving in, and wanted things painted as soon as possible. Not only did Rich get paint colors and samples, he had the crew out ASAP. It was great, and everything... view full review
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  • We are fully licensed and insured
  • Our team is detail-oriented, from initial project planning and prep to the final cleanup
  • We offer a 7-year warranty and 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • We focus on ongoing training, meaning that we use the best products, tools, and techniques
  • We work carefully, respectfully, and contain our workspace
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