Kitchen Cabinet Painting: Ready for a New Look?

Kitchen Cabinet Painting: Ready for a New Look?

painting kitchen cabinets in Seattle Kitchen Cabinet Painting: Ready for a New Look?

We all know that fresh inte­ri­or paint is one of the most pow­er­ful ways to update your home. In a mat­ter of hours you can rad­i­cal­ly change a space, reflect­ing your taste, style, and personality. 

It’s one of the rea­sons why we love doing what we do!

But how about your kitchen? Some­times paint­ing the walls just isn’t quite enough… And, this is exact­ly where pro­fes­sion­al cab­i­net paint­ing comes in.

6 Ben­e­fits of Paint­ing Your Cabinets

 Kitchen Cabinet Painting: Ready for a New Look?

6 Ben­e­fits of Paint­ing Your Cabinets

Let’s say you have old­er cab­i­nets that are a lit­tle dat­ed. Maybe rock­ing that 1990s hon­ey oak fin­ish? But, you don’t real­ly need a full remod­el. Plus, the idea of hav­ing your kitchen out of com­mis­sion for weeks on end sounds less than appeal­ing. Not to men­tion the mess, dust, traf­fic in and out… And the price tag. Yikes.

Cab­i­net paint­ing offers a pleas­ant alter­na­tive:

  • Faster than a remodel
  • Much more cost-effec­tive than a full replacement
  • You’re in con­trol! Pick your favorites colors/​finishes
  • Add major val­ue and marketability 
  • Less mess, dust, and disruption
  • Pro­fes­sion­al paint­ing deliv­ers a durable, last­ing improvement

Should You Paint Your Kitchen Cabinets?

It’s the right fit for many, but not every­body. Here are a few quick ques­tions to ask yourself:

  1. Does your exist­ing lay­out work for you? Cab­i­net paint­ing may add style, but it won’t add stor­age or space. Make sure your kitchen’s cur­rent capac­i­ty and over­all design meets your needs before invest­ing in an aes­thet­ic improvement. 
  2. Do you have good qual­i­ty cab­i­nets? Paint­ing is much less expen­sive than a full remod­el, but it’s still an invest­ment. We rec­om­mend only paint­ing cab­i­nets that are worth the improvement. 
  3. Are your cab­i­nets in good con­di­tion over­all? We’ll care­ful­ly prep your sur­faces, but if exten­sive repairs are need­ed it may be time for a replacement. 

If you’re inter­est­ed in the cab­i­net paint­ing process, and maybe have a few more ques­tions, give us a call at All Cov­ered Paint­ing! We offer the paint­ing and car­pen­try ser­vices you need, guar­an­tee­ing a beau­ti­ful fin­ish (and awe­some experience).


George Twiss

We were very pleased with the initial contact. We had kept a direct mail piece from previous years and made contact when we were ready. Rich visited, had good suggestions and prepared a quote. When we finally chose ACP, Caitlin and Fernando were great to... view full review
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Angies List

Terry P.

Prep, paint and clean up went very well, one guy returned a day later to do all the final touch ups we found.
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Why Work With All Covered Painting

  • We are fully licensed and insured
  • Our team is detail-oriented, from initial project planning and prep to the final cleanup
  • We offer a 7-year warranty and 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • We focus on ongoing training, meaning that we use the best products, tools, and techniques
  • We work carefully, respectfully, and contain our workspace
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